
Another crazy thing done this Chinese New Year.......Langkawi Island for one night.....started because Zam had to go to Langkawi for booking of his tour group, he was going by bus but wanted us to usual me and Yo are damn miskin that we can't afford to go to langkawi....but here's the best deal....Zam paid for the whole trip.....the fuel, tolls, hotel, food and what else......that all i think.....So after much and Yo agreed for the craziest road trip I've done.

Tuesday, 7 AM

Zam started calling from 630AM to wake me up coz I'm the driver for the trip......seriously Toyota Vios reaallllyy fuel saving only took RM70 of fuel to get to Kuala Perlis from Kuala Lumpur. After fuelling at Caltex Jalan Kuching, we started our trip at 9AM, We stopped at Sg Buloh for breakfast, Sg Perak to pee and Yo to 'beri' and lastly at Gurun to pee also.

Tuesday, 2 PM

Arrived at Kuala Perlis, took the ferry to P. Langkawi at 3 PM. Arrived at Langkawi Island at 4 PM. Goshhh...Langkawi really changed........last time I was in Langkawi was........standard 6 or something laaa......dammmnn.....
Waited for for Zam to finish his bookings and everything, me and Yo went to this mamak stall to eat our lunch.......

Tuesday, 6.30 PM

Got our car and went to Pantai Chenang to check in at our was call Lancon hotel I think. Before the room was prepared me and Yo chilled at the Chenang Beach....the beach was so damn nice. The sand was white and soft, u can bury a corpse there easily...hahahahahahhaha....anyway, didn't get to test the water as it was pack with people and we didn't wore the proper attire.

Tuesday, 9 PM

After checking in at 7.30 PM, we chilled at the hotel, I'm so tired after driving all day long. Took my bath and watch television. It was King Kong the animated series on the tv. Waited until the show finished, it finished with King Kong fighting a T-Rex. Then we went out walking around the Chenang shops, looking for cool place to hang out and end up chilling at the mamak stall eating roti telur and watching Jackie Chan movie. After that not to miss the important part of Langkawi, we went to search for the Oblong Burger. We went to bandar Kuah and find the Oblong Burger stall and ate beef oblong burger with cheese. Yummy....simple yet delicious.

Wednesday, 12.30AM

Zam finished his job and we went chilling at Sunbar, he went there to see his friends and to have few drinks. Anyway the plays seems promising but not my taste laaa...but still OK laaaaaaa...if u want excitement at night time. Didn't manage to go to Babylon and Yellow something....

Wednesday, 2.30 PM

Sleeping time.............

Wednesday, 9.00 AM

Woke up and prepare to go to the beach, Sunbathing session. Zam bought us roti canai for breakfast. Went to the beach but no mood for sunbathing as the beach was damn bored.....we drink at the shop there and waited for Zam's client for payment.

Wednesday, 12PM

Everybody rushed packing and taking bath as out ferry was on 12.30PM. Yo drove the picanto car like a WRC car. Drifting along the hills, overtaking every slow car, 'langgaring' red light and testing the top speed of the car. But it was not our luck....we arrived at the jetty at 12.45PM. Yo rushed to the ship but was bluffed by the brother at the jetty saying that the ferry was still there. Me and Zam were like in the Amazing Race Asia, running like crazy, jumping over dustbin, 'ciloking' every gap of people but when we reached the gate, Yo told us that the guy just 'kencinged' him. The ferry was long gone. So we bought the 1PM ferry ticket.

Wednesday, 2.30PM

Reached the Kuala Perlis jetty, went to our car and directly shoot to KL. Got lost at the highway where we reached the end of the highway where UUM was there. U-turned and reached Changlun's caltex. Fuel up and straight to KL. The journey was ok and not ok. Jammed everywhere at Penang and Perak, KL was kinda OK. Do something with ur highway please Gov of Perak......

Wednesday, 8.30PM

Reached Sg Buloh to take our bath and directly went to Aslam's surprise birthday party.

Makanan yang 'dibeli' oleh Zam

Mengikut had laju kebangsaan

Khusyuk menghayati keindahan pagi hari di highway.

Main sponsor.....

Akhirnya sampai juga di Perlis....

Banyaknye tempat parking.....

Sumpah aku ngantuk......

Happynyer korang kan.....


Lancone hotel......jgn terpedaya dgn keunikan binaannya....

Tidur dgn penuh safety....


Waktu aku tgh drive balik dari gym the other day, suddenly aku teringat kenangan masa kecik2 dulu. I was around 4 or 5 years old at that time. Our family baru jer balik dari UK at that time and were staying at my uncle's house in Bangi.

Nak jadikan cerita pendek....ada laa this one day....ntah mcm mane aku terasa mcm nak ikut my dad pg ofis. I woke up around 7 something that day, and while my dad are preparing to go to work, I sneak into his car and duduk dekat seat belakang....not duduklaaa...more like cangkung at the seat belakang punya foot. Sbb that time ada jaket my dad, so aku pun terlindung dari pandangan mata orang ramai.

I sat the senyap gila, i can hear the car start to move, my mum says goodbye to my dad and everything yet I still duduk there quietly. At that time my mum and my uncle's family thought that I was sleeping.

My dad noticed me there when suddenly he heard me giggling, at that point he was half way to the office. He was damn shocked to see me hiding behind his seat. At that time there was no handphone, so mmg tak dapatlaa nak bgtau my mum I was with him kan. I followed my dad to office with wearing only my pyjamas and slippers, dgn tak mandi, tak basuh muka, tak basuh gigi......air liur basi still melekat kat pipi....hahahahahahahahahhahahaa....

Sampainya di ofis, secretary ofis memberitahu my dad bahawa ada urgent call dari rumah. My dad dah agak dah, mesti sbb mencarik aku yang dad called home dan bgtau yg aku telah selamatnya menjadi spy yg berjaya dan mengikut my dad ke ofis....styloooooo......itu pengalaman first time menjadi spy.......

Mengikut cerita my mum, sewaktu mencari aku di rumah, mereka mencari seluruh taman perumahan....di bawah longkang rumah (port aku main nyorok2 dulu)....almari....boleh kata semua pelusuk rumah di selongkar kerana takut aku dikidnapped.....zaman dulu kan zaman gelap, semurang nak kidnapped anak orang jer....hahahahahahahhaa.....sekian sudah cerita zaman kanak2 aku dulu...

Mari kita mengkaji Sejarah Cheng Ho@Zheng He@Shahwari


Hasil daripada perjalanan aku dan rakanku ke Melaka pada 10 January 2009. Kami telah merungkai dan mempelajari pelbagai sejarah tentang kehebatan seorang tokoh sejarahwan dunia.....Zheng He@Cheng Ho.

Daripada apa yang aku dan ayed pelajari daripada penceritaan dan kajian kami terhadap Laksamana Cheng Ho, kami mendapati bahawa terdapat persamaan antara rakan kami iaitu Trong dan Laksamana Cheng Ho.

Antara persamaan yg telah kami kumpul dan cuba utk menjawab persoalan ialah.....

  1. Setiap kali Trong dtg ke Melaka, telephonnya akan jadik on and off.....mungkinkah terdapat petanda bahawa pada zaman Cheng Ho di Melaka tiada henfon maka pabila Trong ke Melaka phonenye menjadi tak betul, lantas on dan off.
  2. Trong telah membeli sebilah pedang samurai di Melaka. Ini merupakan antara brg2 unik yg trong beli kerana tiada orang yg membeli pedang di Melaka kecuali trong.
  3. Rambut trong panjang macam ala ala zaman2 cina dulu.
  4. Trong tak pernah ajak dtg rumah, maybe die menyimpan khazanah2 Melaka silam dan pedang samurainya merupakan antara 10 khazanah penting Melaka yg tidak diketahui mana-mana ahli sejarah.
  5. Trong tkder awek, maybe kerana trong telah dikasi ataupun eunuch itulah sebabnya dia takut mempunyai relationship kerana dirinya tak sempurna.
  6. Trong suka cakap CHILL.....ini kerana Cheng Ho mempunyai 2 ekor zirafah dan salah seekornya bernama QILLIN, ataupun pronounciation nyer CHILLIN.....sbb tuh trong selalu cakap CHILL WEYH CHILL........
  7. Trong ada SAKA ZIRAFAH.
  8. Trong mempunyai pengetahuan yg amat mendalam tentang sejarah pelayaran Cheng Ho.
  9. Aunty kat Cheng Ho Tea House suka layan Trong jer....die tak layan Yus menyebabkan Yus cakap dgn spenda.
  10. Aunty kat Cheng Ho Tea House cakap Trong macam orang asli. Ini mereferkan Trong ialah seorang orang asli Melaka ataupun Baba dan Nyonya.
  11. Nenek Trong Chineese. Trong chineese look dowwwwwwww......
  12. Dekat Medan Ikan Bakar Duyong ada kapal Trong berwarna oren.

Takat ini sajalah yang dapat kami simpulkan dari lawatan kami ke Melaka.......sekian........

Peta pelayaran Trong@Cheng Ho. Trong sedan menunjukkan tempat dia bertemu ikan duyung di lautan pacific

Trong beraksi dgn pedang khazanah Melaka silam bersama Loceng Pendamaian. (Maybe Trong ada ilmu Kebal Perisai Emas mcm Dragon Long.)

Trong mengingati zaman dia mempunyai bodyguard.

Tapak kaki Trong sama saiz dgn tapak kaki Cheng Ho ???????



Hasil setelah 3 bulan menjadi gila besi.....

Memandangkan aku tgh merasa bosan dan vain terhadap diri aku sendiri....izinkan daku bercerita tentang perasaan aku 3 bulan setelah berusaha penat lelah masuk ke gim utk mendapatkan sesusuk tubuh badan idamanku dari.....ntah....lamaaa dah kot........

Perjalananku bermula setelah diracun oleh sedara Aslam iaitu trainerku yg paling saddddoooo.....setelah diracun dan dipaksa...akhirnya aku pun fololaaa die pegi gym. Hari pertama di gym aku telah didera gegila sehingga menyebabkan Chest ku sakit......namun itu tidak mematahkan semangat aku.....setelah pergi selama sebulan....akhirnya it has become an addiction....I'm addicted to Weightlifting.....

Dan akhirnya setelah berhempas pulas 3 bulan....hasilnya adalah seperti diatas.....masih terdapat 3 bulan lg utk melihat next hasil....biarlah ini menjadik stepping stone for the next 3 months.......SADDDOOOOOO !!!!!!

Lift BIG 2 Get BIG !!! No Pain No Gain !!!! Saaaddddddoooooo !!!!!!!!


Hari ni ialah hari yang sangat bosan....tak tau kenapa...malas gila nak stadi....Esok exam 24 chapter tp lom start2 lagi....nampak cam sebenarnye susah...camno neh.....Blurrrrr....seres aku blur....tido dah cukup tido....protein dah cukup protein.....muscle...tak cukup lagi...apa lg aku nak buat..........tulislaa blog yg dah lama gila tak tulis...nanti ada orang bising kalau tak update blog....kesimpulannya......aku pening....Assalamualaikum....Sekian.....

Wish me miracle to happen for tomorrow exam....asik2 wish luck jer...tak pernah pun luckynyer.....

Protein...protein...I need protein....

Sesungguhnya ketika saat ni...badanku teramat-amatlaa sakit yg tak hengat......setiap hari pegi gym...angkat bende2 berat.....tak minum protein....dan kesannya ialah.....badan yg sakit dan lambat utk baik kerana muscleku tak cukup protein utk merepair otot2 yg telah rosak......

Seriously I'm in need of protein shake.......but they are damn expensive.......haiiiishhhhh......apa nak buat...tahan jerlaaa.....No Pain No Gain.....Train Hard Eat Smart !!!!

Disc Brake oooo Disc Brake...

Sememangnya pada hari semalam aku sangat stress kerana problem kereta yg bergegar berpunca daripada disc brake bengkok.....adoiiiii....camner nak sesah laju2 nieh....well back to playing slow more fast aura on the fast lane....all and all everything was ok except for the damn hard springs....really need to change my springs...the engine was ok...the radiator i think its ok....still can manage to get 180 at the MRR2 road after exciting under the suzi's corner flyover towards the bridge at kampung pandan.....guessing theres no problem with the engine....

Need to wash my car !!! No more bengkelling after this...unless i found a set of GTTi or Detomaso ventilated disc....if anybody have them for sale....SMS me plzzzzzzzz.......or if anybody care to treat me for EVO's braking system...just around 1.5K only...hehehehehehehehehee.....